F*ck off and die - Crass comfort for anyone going through heartbreak.

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Come to a shitty party with me please

By Sarah Robinson on March 14, 2017

Oh hey there! Doing much Thursday 30 March between 5 and 7pm? Wanna be my date? It’s okay, I promise I won’t write a book about you.

We can hold hands and look deeply into each other’s eyes and discuss whether or not the world is too overpopulated for us to have our own super hot children.

But that aside. Come to my mother fucking book launch.

Yes, it’s in Margaret River, but I don’t care if you have to drive 3 hours.

Or get on a plane. Or high jack a plane. Or hitch a ride in a van with a family of 4.

You. Should. Come.

There are, of course, some small yet not insignificant benefits, including but not limited to:

  • A FREE Fuck off and die cocktail infused with the blood of your ex. (Until we run out, or until I drink them all.)
  • Music by Parking Bae DJ’s – these guys are teenagers so they’re super cool, and will make you feel cool and young too, even if, like me, you’re over 30 and still feel like it’s okay to date 21 year olds.
  • The opportunity to burn shit, so long as the Fire Department, or some other department doesn’t stop us.

Also, my dad might be coming, so you’ll get to meet him too. He’s pretty great to talk to and a friendly guy, unlike me. Who is neither a guy nor friendly.

This is my cool dad with me when I was cute.

Other important stuff


Thursday 30 March
5 to 7pm


Mixtape Creative
4/47 Station Rd, Margaret River WA

How much?

A gold coin donation. This money goes to a Women’s Shelter in the South West, cause I’m not a complete cunt.

Want more?

Visit the Facebook page and leave me a belligerent message.

Also, a big thanks to the crew at Emergence Creative Festival for being cool and/ or stupid enough to put us on their programme.

Seriously, if you don’t come to this event, go to their other ones, which will actually be good.

Thank you. Bye.

Sarah x

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