Jade and I are curating stories for a new Fuck off and die book. The book will feature stories of heart break, told by you, and other wonderful people who’d like to share their tales. Each story will be illustrated by Jade.
All of these stories will become part of a bigger idea – about the universal experience of heartbreak.
We’re not just homing in on the shittiness (even though heart break truly is crap), we’re also focusing on the good change that so often emerges from the wreckage of immense grief.
In saying that. Please tell your story however you feel it needs to be told. There is no right or wrong way to do this. Here are some guidelines though…
Guidelines for submission
- Your story can be short or long, but the maximum word length is 1,500.
- Your story can be anything to do with heart break – there are no rules.
- Anyone can submit.
- If your story is chosen, it may be edited for grammar and spelling.
- You won’t be paid, but we will give you a copy of the published book if your story is chosen.
- Authors will remain anonymous.
Please email your submissions to sarah@fodbook.com with the subject line: HEARTBREAK STORY.
We are so excited to collaborate with you.