By Sarah Robinson on August 17, 2017
We are stoked AF that New York based story tellers Convicts have added Fuck off and die to their collection. If you fancy seeing me wander along a beach, staring into space and saying cunt a lot, have a gander. I was a bit worried about this, as I prefer dark rooms and not to appear in …
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By Sarah Robinson on June 2, 2017
I love the idea of casual sex so much. I even tried it a handful of times, and in most instances, enjoyed it thoroughly. But around a day after the deed I felt like crap. I know this isn’t the case for every woman. In fact, I’m envious of those who can fuck a guy and walk away without feels. …
By Sarah Robinson on May 9, 2017
When I was in a relationship I looked back on my dating days with a nauseating wistful nostalgia. I remembered getting dressed up, going to dinner, charming men with my witticisms (I’m not saying my memory was accurate), and wild, raucous sex. I didn’t remember wondering: If they were going to call (yep, I dated …
By Sarah Robinson on April 18, 2017
Unless your ex actually fucks off and dies, there’s a good chance you’ll encounter him on social media. Or, if you’re like me and most other women I know, you’ll actively search for him in a wild trance, only to later ask yourself, ‘what exactly was I trying to achieve?’ Maybe something like: Oh, look at his shitty life, he …
By Sarah Robinson on April 3, 2017
Thanks so much to everyone who came to the launch of Fuck off and die. I was pretty sure no one would show up, but you did, and I am amazed by that. Leaving the house at the best of times can be a fucked-up exercise, so the fact you did means the world. You …
By Sarah Robinson on March 20, 2017
When I first asked my ex to move out of our house, I did it alone. For the next few days I moped around in a huge purple dressing gown that made me look like a Telly Tubby. I didn’t tell anyone what had happened, and it didn’t even occur to me to do so. …
By Sarah Robinson on March 14, 2017
Oh hey there! Doing much Thursday 30 March between 5 and 7pm? Wanna be my date? It’s okay, I promise I won’t write a book about you. We can hold hands and look deeply into each other’s eyes and discuss whether or not the world is too overpopulated for us to have our own super …
By Sarah Robinson on
Okay. You’re probably not even thinking about online dating right now. Especially if you’ve just had your heart ripped out by some fucker. If you are, who the fuck cares there’s no right or wrong way to get through a break up. Do it. Don’t do it. But if you do, be safe. And I …
I went through a big fuck off break up a while back, and in between binge drinking evenings plagued by chain smoking durries, I read lots of articles about how to get through that shitty time. Some helped. Some just downright pissed me off. How the fuck was I supposed to meditate when I could …
Our socials are shitty enough to be good.